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Part 2 – Adapting During COVID

Part 2 in the Lime Intelligence ‘Airport Stories from COVID’ series. Lime Intelligence Co-Founder, Carly Wieland talked with Craig Turner of Whitsunday Coast Airport about their experiences with COVID, the tourism partnership strategies with airlines they have employed and how this is setting them up for recovery. Click on the link below to learn more […]

Sharing Stories of Adapting During COVID

Lime Intelligence Co-Founder, Carly Wieland talked with Trevor Wilcock of Mildura Airport about the importance of positive leadership and a strategy all around engaging staff and keeping them feeling part of a team during COVID. Click on the link below to learn more and share your opinion: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/carlywieland_trevor-wilcock-ceo-of-mildura-airport-interview-activity-6734645855577612288-zF6J

Opportunities from Initial COVID-19 Challenges

Lime Intelligence Co-Founder, Matt Dyer talked with Kelly Howard of C3 Talent about the impact of COVID-19 on Lime Intelligence and opportunities to arise from the initial challenges in our beloved aviation industry. Click on the link below to learn more and share your opinion: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/c3talent_founder-covid-leader-activity-6681327052815179776-B2F_

Key Insights from ADMA 2020

SOME JUICY INSIGHTS ON OUR CHANGING BEHAVIOURS “What we can take from the recent NZ case study and Australian July (pre the Victorian ‘wave 2’) is that airlines have the willingness to quickly add back capacity and ramp up and demand is out there!!” Today BLOG shares the key outtakes from the ADMA (Australian Direct […]

What are airports talking about today?

As we move through the evolution of COVID-19 each week airports have a different focus (or different take on where the attention internally needs to be!). From the initial shock and scramble to get together some impact forecasting, to then throwing this out the window when travel restrictions ramped up, to them being faced with […]

Build your local tribe!

I think we have all found ourselves dreaming lately … what restaurant would we go to first when restrictions are lifted? Where would be the first destination I’d travel to? What local coffee shops would I organise a coffee date with friends? Why not post these questions to your airport community and build your local […]

Local Love and Loyalty

Let’s focus on the ‘feel good’ factor. With people’s mindset and needs changing every few days, how do we be relevant and real to our local communities and build genuine long-term relationships? Capturing local community support for your airport and tapping into outbound demand is definitely our ‘lowest hanging fruit’ when it comes to airport […]

Raising Staff Spirits – The Force is Strong With You!

The consistent theme that keeps coming up is ensuring that your team feels connected and valued in this time of uncertainty. How about a ‘double benefit’ idea of asking staff to write 150 words or less about their favourite work experience at the airport and then taking the best answer to share with your community […]