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Local Love and Loyalty

Let’s focus on the ‘feel good’ factor.

With people’s mindset and needs changing every few days, how do we be relevant and real to our local communities and build genuine long-term relationships?

Capturing local community support for your airport and tapping into outbound demand is definitely our ‘lowest hanging fruit’ when it comes to airport marketing.

It is also the most economical!

How can we build local loyalty and support in this time where a sense of community is more critical than ever?

That feeling of ‘belonging’ to something bigger than yourself and evidence of ‘giving back’ is highly desirable with long lasting benefits. Human values are coming more to the fore right now.

How will you be remembered when COVID-19 becomes a case study in history?

What can we do? Some ideas:

  1. Identify local businesses and share their stories of how they are pivoting at this time.
  2. Talk to local produce providers – what are the icons locally that your communities love? Is there any opportunities for new partnerships and making these products available in the terminal?
  3. Can you plan to host an airport dinner to celebrate the reopening once it happens. A ‘money can’t buy’ experience – what local produce would you serve?
  4. Maybe it’s a one time market in the car park or airport open day? Doubling as an opportunity to capture an increased database for the future!
  5. Which local Instagram Icons or Celebrities can you partner with?

There has never been a better time to focus on brand values and harnessing the power of local loyalty for future outbound travel and community support.

Demonstrating humanity, generosity and warmth.

Build local engagement and genuine connections with those around us.

It will pay you back in months to come!


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