Full-Service Business Intelligence Service Provider Australia and New Zealand
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Who are we?

Lime is a Full-Service Business Intelligence as a Service Provider

(or BIAAS provider as we affectionally call it).

We are obsessed with helping our customers know their numbers.

Lime brings together a multi-disciplined and highly skilled team who specialise in what we call the ‘5 disciplines of BI’. Lime combines this know how with a bespoke platform in a web-based application using cutting edge cloud based technology.

We make it easy to access the insights you need to answer questions about business performance and give you laser focus on what is going well or not so well so you can do something about it!

By removing the headaches of setting up dashboards and data organisation, you can get on with focusing on what you do best.

Just add a squeeze of Lime!

Lime Intelligence Directors

Matt Dyer

Co Founder, Managing Director
Creator of simplicity, Leader in business transformation

Matt is the king of problem solving and has a knack for simplifying complex challenges. As a business transformation specialist, Matt has overseen multi-million dollar organisational change for a number of enterprises over the last 25+ years. He understands what drive efficiencies and growth, and how to best harness a company’s resources. As a technology specialist, Matt is able to show executive teams and boards how to employ innovation in a constructive way. Best of all, he does this without the “geek” cap on, breaking it into easy to understand language and digestible messages.

Matt has worked with 100’s of business professionals to unlock their stories for business success. More info on Matt’s story can be found at www.matt-dyer.com.au

Carly Wieland

Co Founder,  Director of Partnerships & Brand
Entrepreneur, Award winning marketer, Disruptor of Status Quo

Carly is a fixer, relentlessly in pursuit of business improvement.
She sees problems and comes up with solutions. She is fearless in developing new strategies, thinking creatively and building relationships. She works collaboratively with her clients to demystify the process of Business Intelligence (BI) and uses her skills in data analysis to uncover truths.
Carly has a wealth of experience  that she loves applying to new clients and new sectors to position Lime Intelligence to be at the forefront of Business Intelligence as a Service (BIAAS).

Actively working with fellow female founders more info on Carly’s story can be found at: www.carlywieland.com.au

Talk to us today about how to build a successful Business Intelligence as a Service (BIAAS) strategy.

Michalie Steel

Business Development Manager

All about pulling out data insights for success.

As an experienced professional, Michalie started out in accounting and commercial roles and later moved into airport business development. Michalie is now keen to give our customers ‘Lime Love’ and maximise their value from using Lime tools and consulting projects.

She has been using her unique combination of data analytics and personal communication style to link data to insights to new airline routes and profitable commercial businesses cases for airports for over 15 years. Michalie is passionate about sharing her depth of aviation knowledge and intuitive commercial business approach to bring our clients targets to life.

Specifically she can apply her knowledge of aviation and business intelligence into:

  • Consulting projects including new business case development
  • Research projects
  • Regular reporting insights and advice to customers
  • Forecasting
  • Data analysis and story telling
  • Building a data culture in teams (working with customers to maximise their value from Lime)

Steve Bramblet

Digital and IT Specialist

Full stack developer and Technical Champion

Supporting the Lime IT and development team, Steve brings a wealth of knowledge to make our products humm. As an expert in data transformation and software development languages, Steve can assist our clients achieve simplified and scalable solutions and set them up for BI.

Born in California, Steve grew up in Western Australia before starting his career back in the USA in the home of blue grass and KFC, Kentucky USA, working in IT primarily in finance industries. Moving back to Australia in 2013, Steve is now settled in Brisbane and is a key part of the Lime Digital team (and still has an Aussie accent).

Levi Breakwell

BI Developer

BI Solutions Builder

Levi has been a key member of Lime’s digital team for the past 12 months and is constantly driving innovation, automations and solutions to deliver full service BI for our customers. Reducing customer headaches by joining data from multiple systems for different industries and transforming this into robust reporting layers and dashboards. He holds a Bachelor in IT from QUT Majoring in Computer Science.

Levi does not shy away from a challenge and finds work most fulfilling when it is pushing him to develop his skills further. Levi is working with the rest of Team Lime to continuously evolve Lime’s BI platform and client data solutions.

Anthony Tran

Graduate Data Engineer

Anthony enjoys working in a collaborative environment where his ultimate goal is to make data accessible so that clients can use it to evaluate and optimize their performance. He can build systems that collect, manage, and convert raw data into insightful information.

Francis Putong

Front-end Developer

Francis oversees the structure and design of web pages and makes them as user-friendly as possible. He is an expert in developing user-facing applications and monitoring their effectiveness, while also working alongside the team and clients to ensure speed and stability of the user experience.

Ricardo Prieto

Data Engineer

With 18+ years under his belt, Ricardo Prieto is a mastermind in data engineering and full-stack development. His prowess in SQL/NoSQL, Azure, and GCP data services make him an invaluable asset. His affinity for Agile, combined with his skill set, ensures optimal data management, integration, and reporting. His experience with BigQuery data warehousing and Azure Data Factory solidifies his aptitude for sophisticated data tasks. Ricardo’s commitment to excellence shines through his work, making him a prime choice for intricate data endeavours.

Debra Robson

Customer Success Manager

Debra plays a vital role at Lime as one of our Customer Success Managers, focusing primarily on enhancing client experiences with our Business Intelligence As A Service solutions. She is dedicated to helping our clients build strong data-driven cultures, enabling them to leverage data for strategic decision-making effectively.

Debra brings a wealth of experience to her role at Lime, with over two decades in customer relations. Her passion for outdoor adventures adds a refreshing perspective to her approach, infusing innovative and effective solutions for our clients.

A fun fact about Debra: she completed an adventurous 8-month journey around Australia in a caravan, while homeschooling her children!

Ryan Harris

Accounts Director

With a decade of IT Sales experience in various FinTech Companies, Ryan is an integral member of the LIME team. Supporting customers on their journey to transformation by helping executives reach and exceed their corporate and strategic objectives to transform their businesses. It is my ambition to translate this wealth of knowledge to deliver Business Intelligence as a Service (BIaaS) with Lime, enabling you to further your business objectives through the lens of data! Ryan is originally from the northwest England but has moved to Australia to pursue new challenges and adventures. In his spare time, Ryan likes to engage in complex strategy games and is a die-hard Manchester City fan.

Alex Stallard

IT Help Desk and Support Assistant

Alex is Lime’s IT Help Desk and Support Assistant. Having previously worked in Help Desk roles, Alex brings experience to the digital team with a passion for customer service. Alex works closely with our team of IT professionals to provide seamless support and ensure that our clients can use our platform to their full potential. When not giving our customers an awesome experience – Alex seeks thrill adventure by playing a full contact medieval sport called Buhurt, and taking his motorcycle for a spin.

Bruce Dale

Experienced generator of innovative aviation insights

Bringing with him over 25 years of experience in the Australian and New Zealand aviation and tourism sector, Lime is excited to welcome Bruce Dale to the team! Bruce’s sound understanding of the aviation ecosystem means he has consistently generated accurate and innovative insights that delivered successful outcomes. Previous roles included Northern Territory Airports, Jetstar network planning and North Queensland Airports.

Bruce will work as part of our experienced Aviation Team to deliver Traffic Forecasting, Market Assessments, Passenger and Catchment Research as well as Airline Business Development Cases alongside Michalie Steel, Carly Wieland, Matt Dyer and Bob Cain (TFI/Lime).

Bruce’s superpower is to simply and effectively communicate complex issues for a range of stakeholders. Regional destinations and aviation are close to his heart thanks to his extensive experience in Northern Australia.

With Av gas is in his blood, when he’s not a work, he is involved with aviation heritage and community development. Projects he has worked on include indigenous development in the Qantas Group to tourism product development centered on the Cyclone Tracy air evacuation. This means he’s engaged with people from many backgrounds.

Welcome on board Bruce!!

What’s important to us

Customers are the center of our universe.

Our unique BI platform and approach are all about driving simplicity and having the end game in mind. By starting with the ‘what’s in it for me’ factor and identifying tailored needs for each customer, Lime has built a bespoke and easy-to-use suite of products.

Your experience will be a little different.

Working with Lime is like having an extension to your internal teams.. We like to deliver outcomes while building genuine relationships and having some fun along the way!

Never standing

Lime has an agile and continuous enhancement program to ensure we are always relentlessly in pursuit of improving the way we do things from our customer service through to our products.

We speak both the language of IT and Business

Lime Intelligence is powered by a group of eager professionals who are experienced senior executives of large corporate and IT specialists. We start with understanding your business and what is relevant and important to you and then translate this into a right-sized IT solution to maximise your success.

There are many BI consultancy firms out there who will build a series of data visualisations and then hand them over at project end. We believe this business model is flawed as BI is such a fluid and evolving part of every business.  Particularly high growth businesses.

More data is available to us every day; the decisions we make on behalf of our businesses are increasingly important; and we look to technology to help us organize and analyze that data.

We will demystify this for you.

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

— Albert Einstein

Lime values: Reliability
Lime values: Genuine care
Lime values: Commitment
Lime values: Collaboration
Lime values: Customer focus
Lime values: Integrity

Our products must be:

Easy to use




Forever evolving

We currently work with over 35 businesses to transform their data into meaningful decision making

By leveraging Team Lime’s experience you save both time and money and gain total visibility over your business performance. All without the headaches of recruitment internally or trial and error in finding the right tools and solution for you.  We have tried them all and have learnt what works best.

At Lime we have a growing team with over 150+ years of combined experience. We pride ourselves on thinking differently to deliver high value outcomes for our customers (and having some fun along the way!).

Taking complex challenges and transforming these into ‘bite size’ and easy to understand insights.

And we’ve had some great successes for our customers to date.

Why Lime is my favourite fruit

What our customers say they love about working with Lime Intelligence, and how it helps them on a daily basis.

Our clients

Just some of the great businesses that we’ve worked with! We love our clients! Our clients benefit from our 150+ years of collective business intelligence experience, and gain access to a powerful suite of online data analysis and reporting tools – and so could you.